- Web Technology
- ECMAScript
- Web Browsers
- Selector matching
- Style resolution
- CSS JIT Compile
- System Software
- Accelerators: GPU
- VM, Compiler and JIT Compiler
Refereed Journal Papers
- Yusuke Suzuki, Hiroshi Yamada, Shinpei Kato, and Kenji Kono: Cooperative GPGPU Scheduling for Consolidating Server Workloads, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol. E101.D, No. 12, 2018, pp. 3019-3037.
- Yusuke Suzuki, Shinpei Kato, Hiroshi Yamada, and Kenji Kono: GPUvm: GPU Virtualization at the Hypervisor, IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol. 65, No. 9, 2016, pp. 2752-2766. Link.
Refereed Papers
- Takafumi Kubota, Yusuke Suzuki, and Kenji Kono: To unify or not to unify: a case study on unified builds (in WebKit), In Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Compiler Construction (CC '19), 2019, pp. 42-52. Link.
- Sho Yuhara, Yusuke Suzuki, and Kenji Kono: An Application Framework for Migrating GPGPU Cloud Applications, In Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom '18), 2018, pp. 62-66. Link.
- Yusuke Suzuki, Hiroshi Yamada, Shinpei Kato, and Kenji Kono: CPUs as Co-processors of GPUs: Running GPGPU Applications at the Full Speed with PullKernels, In the 8th Workshop on Systems for Multi-core and Heterogeneous Architectures (SFMA '18), 2018. Author's copy.
- Yusuke Suzuki, Hiroshi Yamada, Shinpei Kato, and Kenji Kono: GLoop: An Event-driven Runtime for Consolidating GPGPU Applications, In Proceedings of the 8th ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing (SoCC '17), 2017, pp. 80-93. Link.
- Yusuke Suzuki, Hiroshi Yamada, Shinpei Kato, and Kenji Kono: Towards Multi-tenant GPGPU: Event-driven Programming Model for System-wide Scheduling on Shared GPUs, In the 2016 Workshop on Multicore and Rack-scale Systems (MaRS '16), 2016. Author's copy.
- Yusuke Suzuki, Shinpei Kato, Hiroshi Yamada, and Kenji Kono: GPUvm: Why Not Virtualizing GPUs at the Hypervisor?, In Proceedings of 2014 USENIX Annual Technical Conference (USENIX ATC '14), 2014, pp. 109-120. Link.
Non-Refereed Papers
- 鈴木勇介, 加藤真平, 山田浩史, 河野健二: GPU の完全仮想化, 並列/分散/協調処理に関するサマー・ワークショップ (SWoPP '13), 2013.
- Yusuke Suzuki: Escodegen and Esmangle: Using Mozilla JavaScript AST as an IR, AOSD '13 Industry Track, 2013. Link.
Non-Refereed Posters
- 鈴木勇介, 加藤真平, 山田浩史, 河野健二: Design and Implementation of GPU Virtualization at the Hypervisor, 日本ソフトウェア科学会ディペンダブルシステム研究会 (DSW '14), 2014.
- 鈴木勇介, 加藤真平, 山田浩史, 河野健二: GPUvm: ハイパーバイザによる GPU の完全仮想化手法, 日本ソフトウェア科学会ディペンダブルシステム研究会 (DSW '13), 2013.
- 鈴木勇介: Building modern JavaScript Engine, 第53回プログラミング・シンポジウム, 2012.
- 新屋良磨, 鈴木勇介, 高田謙: 正規表現技術入門――最新エンジン実装と理論的背景, 技術評論社, 2015.
- IPSJ Yamashita SIG Research Award, As of 2014
- IPSJ SIGOS Best Student Presentation Award, As of 2013
- IPSJ Yamauchi Prize for encouragement, As of 2013
Mainly working on JavaScriptCore, which is JavaScript engine in WebKit. Links to WebKit activities, [1].
iv / lv5: ECMAScript engine
iv / lv5 is a new ECMAScript engine written in C++, that conforms ECMA262 5.1 specification completely.
It includes ECMAScript lexer, parser, RegisterVM, baseline JIT compiler for x86_64.
Research Software
gxen (GPUvm)
Fully virtualizing GPUs at the Xen hypervisor. The detailed design is described in the papers [1, 2].
Paravirtualized DRM (PVDRM)
High performance paravirtualized GPUs, using Direct Rendering Manager (DRM) as the layer of the separation. The detailed design is described in the paper [2].
Event-driven scheduling and host-interaction (I/O) runtime for GPUs. The detailed design is described in the paper [3].
ECMAScript languages libraries
escodegen is an ECMAScript unparser. It accepts JavaScript AST and generates valid JavaScript code.
The ecosystem composed of these tools is described in this paper.
escodegen is an ECMAScript minifier. It accepts JavaScript AST and generates minified and optimized JavaScript code.
escope is an ECMAScript scope analyzer. It accepts AST and analyze scope and variable information.
escodegen is a traversal library for JavaScript AST. It accepts JavaScript AST and traverse it.
doctrine is a JSDoc parser with complete Type annotation support. It is used in Eclipse Orion's JSDoc support.
Taberareloo is a Google Chrome extension to support cross posting to many social services